Sunday, December 7, 2008

Christmas Salad

Christmas Salad (very yummy!!!)
Box of Costco Lettuce
Mozzarella Cheese
Mandarin Oranges
Toasted Almonds
This salad tasted great!
I made homemade salad dressing (recipe on Stacy's blog). Thanks Stacy, so yummy! I didn't have a red onion so I used a white onion, and it still tasted great! Oh ya, I halved the recipe and it was perfect!
OK- so my big question is do you toss your salad with dressing before you go? If so, what lettuce do you use-I was thinking the good Costco lettuce would just wilt!
And the really big question I have for all of you- If you don't toss the salad and dressing- what kinda cute bottle do you have for homemade salad dressing?

Monday, November 17, 2008

Pandora's Box

OK, I am sure I am the last person to find out about pandora's box (like normal). It totally rocks! You type in your favorite music artist's and it creates a custom radio station just for you. If you like a song give it a thumbs up, if not they take it off the station. Or you don't have to do anything and it will just play......rock on!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Let's just start with "What ever happens in Zumba stays in Zumba." Zumba is my new favorite addiction, maybe even ahead of diet coke. I can't let out to much information about the shaking and the jiggling that goes on in the class. But, yesterday I zumbaed next to two Muslim women. My two thoughts were 1. they should make a Nike dry fit head scarf so they can be comfortable when they work out! 2. I don't think Americans are corrupting the world! These 60 year old Latin Women that I work out with, can shake it! White Americans (especially me) don't have the moves! If you need some spice, let me know!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Long Time NO Posts!

Hello everybody out there in the blogging world........... And, yes I did fall off the face of the earth. ..........However, I still don' t know if I am ready to be back to earth.......It is truly amazing how quickly you slip right back into the same old busy life! The whole time I was on my trip I was so relaxed and happy. I had high hopes for large changes in my life.....change is so much harder than I ever imagined!

Josh had his first surf lesson. The whole rest of the trip he cried that he could not live with out a surf board. I almost bought him on, but I was scared of what he would do with it the other 50 weeks of the year. The best part of the trip was when he was surfing and a seal swam up to him and checked him out! (good thing there were no sharks wanting to eat that seal)
I don't know what he is doing, but my kids do stuff like this all the time!

I love that look on his face......

He does everything Josh does!

Yep, this is Rob Machado. He just came out with a new surf board that is about the size of a snow board. The whole time we were there he was filming new tricks on his board.....notice he is dry and does not have a wet suit on. He never falls of his surf board. (I think I could take him on the wii fit.....I bet he rocks at the balance games)

Yep, this is the view from the campground.
Yep, this is the other view from my campground.......if you want to go next year, let me know!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

My Big Horah!

Well it's here............... my big horah! I am packing up flip flops, extra blankets, my lime green string bikini, a deck of uno cards, and the last of this years sun block. I am off on my grand adventure, taking my boys camping to the best camp site ever! We are going to be in Del me if you are heading south for UEA. My partner in crime bailed due to the market (or maybe she realized my kids are way to much fun.) Wish me luck! (I need it!)
Peace out!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Jaxon's Cake

Jaxon is turning 5 years old! And yes Steve and I are turning into our Mother's. It was time for the homemade cake. I have been wanting to try fondent, so I did it. I didn't turn out perfect, but I know Jaxon will love it! I guess when you are the mother of boys anything close to star wars is a big hit. I picked up some fondent and read the instructions. Steve used Jaxon's Halloween costume for a pattern and made the cake. With the help of my neighbors oven I think it is going to be his favorite cake ever!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Fun day!

On Friday- no school! The boys and I made the trek up to The Plane Museum near Ogden. It is so cool and free, That's what I am talking about! The boys loved the 2ND museum with all the flight simulators. It make me wonder what I was thinking? Flight Attendant and not a pilot......well maybe in my next life!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Why do I love totes and shoes?

My new favorite designer is Orla Kiely. I love almost everything she makes. I think her style is hip and fun! I really want to get this purse however my husband gave me this lecture on how we need a kitchen and I need to wait until we know how much it cost. Should I blow the budget and get it any way?

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

You have got to be kiddin me!

FYI- a Great Harvest Chocolate Chip Oatmeal Cookie has 800 calories in it! So I have to run 8 miles if I want to eat the cookie.......So if you see me running around town you will know I ate the cookie! (How do you find will power to not eat the cookie?)

Monday, September 15, 2008

Boys + Water = FUN!

We have become the Kool-Aid house after school, and I love it. However all the boys want to have water fights in their school clothes (I don't know if the parents are as laid back as I am). So Saturday after soccer I let them the boys come over and have a water fight. It was so much fun, we are going to do it again! They got bored and made the slide in the back yard into the ultimate water slide & slip'n slide. Thank goodness no one got hurt!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Back to School!

I love this gang! (I have my own team!)

Yep, they are always like this!

Jaxon and His BFF

Nothing says back to school like smelly boys going to soccer! This weekend was our first soccer game, there is nothing like hitting the ground with your feet running! It's offical "Just call me soccer mom." (I really need one of those "cool" bumper stickers for the back of my minivan!) I had the lovely pleasure of being late to Josh's twice. Thank goodness I drove into Deborah and she help me find the school. (Never call me for directions I am always lost and late!) All the boys are loving this Soccer season, we have great coaches! And everybody scored goals! Yea! (Jarom tried to sneak onto the field again-He can't play tell next year, but he is so darn cute!)

Monday, September 1, 2008

Lagoon (it's a love hate thing!)

I have been stuck in a stupor of blog! I think I have hit a all time boring in my life! I guess laundry and remolding aren't great hobbies......Yes for those of you who have known me for a long time, it is had to believe that it is possible for my life to get any more boring than normal but it is true!
OK .... for those of you with children in the neighborhood school. If your kids walk or take the bus-how often to you go to your child's school. It seems very easy to just NOT get involved. I am not signed up to go to the school until the Halloween Party (very different than the last school). I was thinking about volunteering with reading once they split into groups. I am just wondering if this is it? Or....... am I missing out on great reasons to drop by the school.

And Lagoon! My kids love it and I think it is way to hot! Any ideas on how to have more fun in kiddy land? (Baby J loved BULGY the whale, just kill me now!)

Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Olympic party in the neighborhood. Lots of fun! I love Jarom's first race with a big wheel and arm floaties. (He came in last place, but he did get some points for style!)

The big kids, much more serious!

We have Olympic fever! The whole family has been cheering for Michael Phelps! What a stud! I don't think we will be out of the basement for another week! I never understood how my husband can watch football on TV and cheer and yell. I now get it! It's really fun. In four more years I think I will watch lots of sports on TV again.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Boat Surfing

I finally went water skiing after at least five years for not even one little drag behind a boat. It is seriously a blast!!! I think I am coming down with boating fever! Some friends of ours have a very nice boat that creates a wake you can surf on behind the boat. I had so much fun trying to surf with trying being the correct word. Some of my favorite memories growing up are from "the lake". Great times with my family, friends, and the Scott's. I do hope in a few year we finish our house and take our own kids out on the lake! Right now we are so grateful to have friends that share, thanks!

P.S. I am back on weight watcher so consider this a before picture! I am going to go work out right now!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

The Same Car!

I finally did it! I know many of you are relieved! I bought a newer car! We have been looking for about two years. I found a great deal, and the air went out in the old van. I new the time had come, after swim lesson I took all my kid and went and bought a car. Since I got such a great deal, I think Steve is getting happier about it. I started laughing so hard when Steve looked at the car and said, "You just bought the same car we have". I really did! I loved my car! It's like sweat pants- comfortable and cheep! I do have to admit it feel great not driving a beater! I did order a new turtle sticker, I guess I want to make sure it is my same car!

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Aspen Grove

I know many of you have no idea what Aspen Grove is. It is kinda EFY for families, and Paradise for all true BYU fans! (Steve stayed true to the RED, they couldn't get him to cross over). I will have to say it is definitely still one of my favorite vacations. You don't cook, clean, or even have to buckle your kids in their car seat. All day the kids are entertained by adorable counselor while you can choose a variety of activities. I have to admit I mostly sat by the pool, slept, shopped in Orem, and talked about parenting with my cousins. Oh ya we had about 75 cousins at the Reunion and I think I was able to talk to almost everyone of them with out my kids needing me. The worst part of the trip is the last day when your kids are exhausted and trying to convince you to get a job at AG so they don't have to go home. We truly had a great time, and I feel so blessed for the opportunity to strengthen my family. (oh ya I am back for almost the rest of the summer lets play!)

The kissing cam is a fun thing for family reunions! Try it!

Saturday, June 21, 2008


Trina and Ray thanks for the summer camp! We had a great time! It looks like Ray is Fishing? Could it be?

Maggie says HI!

Thursday, June 5, 2008

summer time

Last day of school! The year went by way to fast. It is time for the "Summer Job Chart". I am going to update last years chart, it worked well for my boys (and it cost about $20 to laminate). . They liked the structure (which is something we need more of), and my boys liked knowing exactly what was expected of them before friends and television! I let them set their own goal. We also matched the money they put into savings for college and missions. Marrilee Browne Boyack wrote Parenting Breakthrough, I love this book! I got most of my ideas from her, and my sister in law. Marrilee has great ideas on teaching your children about money and how to be successful adults. I also picked great scripture stories from the Gospel Art Kit, I would teach them to the boys and hang them up around the chart. I think I taught my boys more last summer than they did this whole year. I love the change of seasons, it is such a great time to reflect on what you want to accomplish, and the best way to do it. Here is to a clean slate and a great summer!

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Chaos Junkie!

I have figured out what my disorder is! Chaos Junkie! I think the first step is admitting it! The last two months of my life have been insane! I took a busy schedule and added baseball. (which we loved!) and all of the end of the year activities. INSANE is the only word for it! I felt like I would wake up ever morning and just start running, I don't think I ever stopped (or blogged). Laying around after my surgery helped my think of all the things I want to do, but don't.
Does anyone know how to slow life down? I look at my life and I feel everything I do is important and has a purpose! And I like to be busy and do lots of stuff. I enjoy almost everything, and I have a million hobbies!
I know I have a problem because all last month I just kept my eye on the finish line. I finished my Provident Living Class, baseball, and all my responsibilities for the co-op. I was getting ready for a little camping trip and got a little board. I almost picked up the phone and went out of my way to volunteer to do another thing for co-op. I did stop my self so maybe there is hope for me after all. But it was hard not to make the call!
I am on summer break! I don't want to over schedule my kids this summer, and I am hoping to save sometime for myself. (I have gained 12 lbs in the last 2 months.) Bev- I need that book on how to really change! I am ready for -less busy and lots of fun! Here is to a great summer, bring on the heat and the fun! BRING IT!!!!!
Summer Goals:
1. Open Wii fit and master it!
2. Start and stick to a budget!
3. Hike!
4. Hire more babysitters!
5. Buy more cereal!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Not an Ordinary Man!

Last Sunday was Stake Conference and we had a wonderful experience. I know everyone who is reading this is wondering, "How can it be wonderful to sit with the Gilbert boys for 2 hours"! So I guess the biggest miracle in 2008 is we all survived Stake Conference! We are blessed to live in President Monson's home Stake. He usually attends Church and stake conference in our building. He is so friendly and kind that my boys truly have a testimony of the prophet.
After Stake Conference he greeted and talked to the children in the stake for about an hour. And if any of you know my boys they were right in the center of all the attention. I think President Monson got a little tired so he sat down at the piano and started playing. Jarom was on the end of the piano and started playing along with him. (I know you are wondering why I didn't grab him, I really wanted to but I was on the other end of the crowd just hoping to get everyone home in one piece) To my surprise President Monson loved Jarom's piano skill and just egged him on. Next Jaxon and his friend Alex (for those of you who read about the curly straw this one might be worse!) They found a spy telescope and started spying on the Prophet. Which of course he loved and took a look through the scope after Jaxon told him he looked better GREEN! Next was Josh's turn to give the shake his hand, but we don't stop there! They all made sure to give him high fives and bones. I just thanked him and shook his hand. Maybe next time I'll start a secret hand shake with him.
That night we had all the boys write in their Journals about their experience. We wanted them to know that this was a special experience and it would probably never happen again. So Steve and I shared our brief hand shakes with past Prophet. Then Josh asked "So are all Prophets that funny", our only reply was "No, not so much!"

Friday, May 2, 2008


A few people saw us on the news. We love Dogwood! Their clothes are so well made, great prices and very cool. Thanks to the Springer's most of the neighborhood boys have had a little modeling experience! News Clip I didn't know I was going to be in the clip. I would have at least taken off my sunglasses!
Yes, it is the Anavisery sale! Nothing over $10 and seconds $1. This is such a great deal. And the plad shorts are soooo cute!

Thursday, April 24, 2008


Do you ever feel like you live in Narnia and the White Witch is going to ride down the street on her sled? Endless Winter?

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Homemade Yogurt

I Never EVER would have made homemade YOGURT! But never say never! Can you believe all week I have been stressed out and not blogging because of homemade yogurt. Thanks to some great friends in my ward I think I have it down! SO, come over and give it a try! I have to admit, it's been a great distraction from some other not so pleasant things that have been going on in my life! All I can say is- Some days I hate being an adult! My cell phone is not working and I have moved to the baseball fields so just forward all my calls! I miss all of you and can't wait to go to Cherry Hill and the Creer's Pool this summer! See you there!

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

10 great reasons to have surgury

1. Your mom does all your laundry
2. You don't have to drive carpool
3. Red Mango Frozen Yogurt
4. Chocolate cake from KFC
and brownies from Miers Chicken
5. You discover dippin dots are available in the freezer section.
6. Ice from Shivers
7. Jamba Juice
8. Taking naps
9. Since you can't eat real food, you just take bites of desserts and still loose 3 lbs.
10. It gives you a chance to step back from your life and ponder what is really important.
Thanks everyone for all the love and support! I am truly blessed with friends and family! I could not have made it this far with out you!

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Got Milk?

Good thing I am going to the Cannery in the morning! I am almost out of powdered milk! Can you ever have enough cereal? PLEASE get me a couple of boxes when you go to Costco. Need more cereal!

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Who would have thought?

After three children I finally figured out when you kids want to dip cookies- they need a bowl and not a cup! Jarom hardly even made a mess, after three kids I know all the important stuff.
also brought a curly straw to church, put it in the sacrament cup and started sipping the water. I have to say that kid is very creative!

Friday, February 29, 2008

Pure in Heart

My baby is two! Happy Birthday!
In my RS lesson we were talking about becoming "Pure in Heart". I think it hit home for me because I am not any closer to achieving my New Years Resolutions than I was at the first of the year. Why is it so hard to change? It gave me hope when the teacher said we start working on these qualities at age 18, and we start to achieve them at 80. I guess I have a few more years of resolutions until I am 80.
open mind and heart
I hope when I am 80 to be all these thing!

Saturday, February 23, 2008

He Shoots, He Scores!

One more week of basketball! I am ready for the time change, Easter, and Spring!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Random Things About Me

1. I love McDonalds! (they have the best cheeseburgers and diet coke)
2. I have a million hobbies! I am the jack of all trades and the master of none!
3. I have a new laundry and grocery system every 6 months.
4. I sleep 4 hours longer than my husband every night
5. I think persimmons and bananas are sick!
6. I am much closer to my family now than when I was growing up.
7. I am not a quitter.
8. I don't picture myself over weight.
I tag all the girls from the Old Ward, and Bev

Tuesday, February 12, 2008


It is such great weather and all the snow melted so we went on a hike! All the kids hiked 10 miles and are training for the Salt Lake Marathon! It should be tons of fun!