Friday, February 29, 2008

Pure in Heart

My baby is two! Happy Birthday!
In my RS lesson we were talking about becoming "Pure in Heart". I think it hit home for me because I am not any closer to achieving my New Years Resolutions than I was at the first of the year. Why is it so hard to change? It gave me hope when the teacher said we start working on these qualities at age 18, and we start to achieve them at 80. I guess I have a few more years of resolutions until I am 80.
open mind and heart
I hope when I am 80 to be all these thing!

Saturday, February 23, 2008

He Shoots, He Scores!

One more week of basketball! I am ready for the time change, Easter, and Spring!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Random Things About Me

1. I love McDonalds! (they have the best cheeseburgers and diet coke)
2. I have a million hobbies! I am the jack of all trades and the master of none!
3. I have a new laundry and grocery system every 6 months.
4. I sleep 4 hours longer than my husband every night
5. I think persimmons and bananas are sick!
6. I am much closer to my family now than when I was growing up.
7. I am not a quitter.
8. I don't picture myself over weight.
I tag all the girls from the Old Ward, and Bev

Tuesday, February 12, 2008


It is such great weather and all the snow melted so we went on a hike! All the kids hiked 10 miles and are training for the Salt Lake Marathon! It should be tons of fun!

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Random thoughts

*I can't believe its Lost's 4th season!
*I think I need a house keeper!
*I wonder if they clean total crap holes?
*If Hillary wins the election, it's rigged!
*Would my life change if I had Tyvo?
*How do you store more food storage?
*I wonder if it will snow today?
*Can you ever have enough legwarmers or earmuffs?

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Prophets are about Miracles

"May there be peace and harmony in your homes. Husbands, love and treasure your wives....Wives, encourage and pray for your husbands....Parents, treat your children with great kindness.....Now, as we separate for a season, God bless you, my beloved associates. I so pray , as I say good-bye.......Gorden B. Hinckley
One of my Husbands friends gave us tickets to the feneral. It was a great honor to go feel the spirit and Celebrate the life of our Prophet! I am truley inspired to be a better mother and wife! I loved the stories told about how optimistc he was, and his great sense of humor! I really felt he related to us common folk! I am going to miss his voice at conference, but I hope to still hear him say "Oh, it will workout". I started crying (not sobbing for those of you who know me all to well) when they showed him speaking at conference with all the flowers below the pulpet, and then to look down and see his coffin below the pulpet with all the flowers on top of it. I am so grateful that he and his wife Marjorie are reunited together and hope to see them when it is my time to cross the vail.
He truley is a "ROCKSTAR MORMAN"!