Thursday, February 7, 2008

Random thoughts

*I can't believe its Lost's 4th season!
*I think I need a house keeper!
*I wonder if they clean total crap holes?
*If Hillary wins the election, it's rigged!
*Would my life change if I had Tyvo?
*How do you store more food storage?
*I wonder if it will snow today?
*Can you ever have enough legwarmers or earmuffs?


Kate said...

answer to where you store more food storage.... my house! I will take great care of it!

Kristin said...

one more comment... if Hillary OR McCain wins, I'm moving to Canada :)

Katrina Rasmussen Nelson said...
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Katrina Rasmussen Nelson said...

Tivo will change your life but you will find yourself watching more TV than you ever thought possible! Dont do it! Just the fact that you can fastforward through commercials is too tempting! Also I am with you on moving to Canada Kristin!!! Maybe we can get a group moving discount? Also I bet it will not snow today in San Diego!

Katrina Rasmussen Nelson said...

Hey, what are you going to do for your Birthday?????

go boo boo said...

Yes, you can have too many legwarmers.