Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Why do I love totes and shoes?

My new favorite designer is Orla Kiely. I love almost everything she makes. I think her style is hip and fun! I really want to get this purse however my husband gave me this lecture on how we need a kitchen and I need to wait until we know how much it cost. Should I blow the budget and get it any way?

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

You have got to be kiddin me!

FYI- a Great Harvest Chocolate Chip Oatmeal Cookie has 800 calories in it! So I have to run 8 miles if I want to eat the cookie.......So if you see me running around town you will know I ate the cookie! (How do you find will power to not eat the cookie?)

Monday, September 15, 2008

Boys + Water = FUN!

We have become the Kool-Aid house after school, and I love it. However all the boys want to have water fights in their school clothes (I don't know if the parents are as laid back as I am). So Saturday after soccer I let them the boys come over and have a water fight. It was so much fun, we are going to do it again! They got bored and made the slide in the back yard into the ultimate water slide & slip'n slide. Thank goodness no one got hurt!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Back to School!

I love this gang! (I have my own team!)

Yep, they are always like this!

Jaxon and His BFF

Nothing says back to school like smelly boys going to soccer! This weekend was our first soccer game, there is nothing like hitting the ground with your feet running! It's offical "Just call me soccer mom." (I really need one of those "cool" bumper stickers for the back of my minivan!) I had the lovely pleasure of being late to Josh's twice. Thank goodness I drove into Deborah and she help me find the school. (Never call me for directions I am always lost and late!) All the boys are loving this Soccer season, we have great coaches! And everybody scored goals! Yea! (Jarom tried to sneak onto the field again-He can't play tell next year, but he is so darn cute!)

Monday, September 1, 2008

Lagoon (it's a love hate thing!)

I have been stuck in a stupor of blog! I think I have hit a all time boring in my life! I guess laundry and remolding aren't great hobbies......Yes for those of you who have known me for a long time, it is had to believe that it is possible for my life to get any more boring than normal but it is true!
OK .... for those of you with children in the neighborhood school. If your kids walk or take the bus-how often to you go to your child's school. It seems very easy to just NOT get involved. I am not signed up to go to the school until the Halloween Party (very different than the last school). I was thinking about volunteering with reading once they split into groups. I am just wondering if this is it? Or....... am I missing out on great reasons to drop by the school.

And Lagoon! My kids love it and I think it is way to hot! Any ideas on how to have more fun in kiddy land? (Baby J loved BULGY the whale, just kill me now!)