Wednesday, February 18, 2009

No More Christmas Salad!

Well, my computer had 117 viruses......I am glad it is feeling much better! The only problem is when you computer is broken for that long you get bored and fill all your blogging and facebook time with other things! I am grateful for good friends that are going to give me free lessons on how to say the word NO............
As for the last few months we have been doing the same old and a few new things! Lucky me.... when Steve in done with the Kitchen (eta......2020) he is going to build a 1,000 square foot gear room. Thanks goodness we bought our kids tons of crap with our money and didn't just loose it all in the stock market!

Josh has found his true love in the sporting world.....Hockey!

He also found some hot chicks to ski with!

Steven finally got some new glasses!

And I found a few minutes to do some crafty things! I hope everyone is still alive and doing well!