Saturday, December 1, 2007


Welcome to Thanksgiving weekend at our home!

Steve gets up Early and works on the house:
The Turkey Bowl with our cousins (thanks Paula):

Turkey Dinner with Costumes (thanks Heidi):

Family Pictures (O.K. this picture is 2 years old and I was pregnant and NO I am not pregnant this year):

Enjoying the lights at Temple Square (and freezing):

Making Gingerbread Houses (thanks Barbra and Susan):

Crying during the Utah and BYU game:

Steve staying up late to work on the house (thanks Steve):


Reid and Christine Family said...

So glad I found your blog! Actually - you find mine. Still glad. Miss you at Cafe Rio Mondays.

Kristin said...

Yeah Maren! Love your blog!!! Jarom looks so grown up now - I miss his cute little curls too :)