Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Wii=Self Controll

We need help! (I didn't even take one picture yesterday!)
Yes, we got the BOYS a Wii for Christmas. Yesterday we opened presents from Santa. The Wii was our family gift so we opened it last. We set it up and played until we went to Steven's parents house for dinner. We came home and Richard came over and played Wii with the family. We finally made the boys stop playing at 10pm and go the bed (I just wanted to play Guitar Hero and not get kicked off the stage, how am I going to get better if I have to give the boys a turn!). This morning I got up early to workout (and then get a good 1/2 hour in on Guitar hero), but Steven was stretching so he could play Wii tennis and Golf. WE STILL HAVE NOT OPENED ONE PRESENT FROM UNDER THE CHRISTMAS TREE! THE BOYS REMEMBERED AT 10PM LAST NIGHT AND WE TOLD THEM IF WE WAITED UNTIL TODAY IT WOULD MAKE CHRISTMAS LAST ANOTHER DAY! I THINK STEVEN AND I ARE GOING TO NEED THE SELF CONTROL FOR THE Wii. (Annette can I come over and play Guitar Hero, Steven is still playing golf!)


rasmussencr said...

So you're saying I should get a Wii. I don't think the military would like it very much, if I was late to a formation because I was trying to get the perfect score in golf. Thanks for dinner, Andrea and I both had a good time in Utah. See ya lata
Brother Chris

Kate said...

I am excited to come over and play.. I was worried when you didn't answer the door today.. can we say.. WII anonynmous...! You guys deserve it- I am glad you are having fun!

go boo boo said...

Come over and practice GH anytime! Be prepared to be beaten by Owen though! He has been playing non-stop too. I love that Steve was stretching to "play" tennis and golf.

Kristin said...

If you can break away from the Wii next week, let's go to Discovery Gateway!! I heard that 'Robots' is changing to 'Sesame Street' on Jan 2nd :) I love that you extended Christmas for an extra day.

joslyn said...

john and i are having trouble going to bed at night. we have a little addiction to guitar hero. so good luck with the self control we need it too.