Monday, December 3, 2007

Free Hair Cuts!

Yes, this is what it looked like this morning when I got out of the shower. Jaxon "Harry Potter" is having a great time giving Jarom a Hair cut. And Yes, Jarom thinks it is great that his big brother is giving him so much attention!

This is the damage. All those baby curls are really gone now! Yes, I called Steve on the phone crying. And Yes, now I think it is really funny! I think Jaxon might be following in his cousin Justine's foot steps! Maybe I'll let him cut my hair next! I wonder if I'll cry when he's in high school and I come home and he has dyed every ones hair purple?


Kristin said...

Wow - I didn't realize the haircut wasn't your doing! That is something to cry and then laugh about.

Reid and Christine Family said...

That is seriously one of my biggest fears - that Reagan will chop her hair herself. At least with a boy, it's not the end of the world but I would cry if I had to chop Reagan's hair like a boy. You are a really good sport!

go boo boo said...

Oh my! I will die when that is bound to happen right? Annette