Sunday, June 29, 2008

Aspen Grove

I know many of you have no idea what Aspen Grove is. It is kinda EFY for families, and Paradise for all true BYU fans! (Steve stayed true to the RED, they couldn't get him to cross over). I will have to say it is definitely still one of my favorite vacations. You don't cook, clean, or even have to buckle your kids in their car seat. All day the kids are entertained by adorable counselor while you can choose a variety of activities. I have to admit I mostly sat by the pool, slept, shopped in Orem, and talked about parenting with my cousins. Oh ya we had about 75 cousins at the Reunion and I think I was able to talk to almost everyone of them with out my kids needing me. The worst part of the trip is the last day when your kids are exhausted and trying to convince you to get a job at AG so they don't have to go home. We truly had a great time, and I feel so blessed for the opportunity to strengthen my family. (oh ya I am back for almost the rest of the summer lets play!)

The kissing cam is a fun thing for family reunions! Try it!

Saturday, June 21, 2008


Trina and Ray thanks for the summer camp! We had a great time! It looks like Ray is Fishing? Could it be?

Maggie says HI!

Thursday, June 5, 2008

summer time

Last day of school! The year went by way to fast. It is time for the "Summer Job Chart". I am going to update last years chart, it worked well for my boys (and it cost about $20 to laminate). . They liked the structure (which is something we need more of), and my boys liked knowing exactly what was expected of them before friends and television! I let them set their own goal. We also matched the money they put into savings for college and missions. Marrilee Browne Boyack wrote Parenting Breakthrough, I love this book! I got most of my ideas from her, and my sister in law. Marrilee has great ideas on teaching your children about money and how to be successful adults. I also picked great scripture stories from the Gospel Art Kit, I would teach them to the boys and hang them up around the chart. I think I taught my boys more last summer than they did this whole year. I love the change of seasons, it is such a great time to reflect on what you want to accomplish, and the best way to do it. Here is to a clean slate and a great summer!

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Chaos Junkie!

I have figured out what my disorder is! Chaos Junkie! I think the first step is admitting it! The last two months of my life have been insane! I took a busy schedule and added baseball. (which we loved!) and all of the end of the year activities. INSANE is the only word for it! I felt like I would wake up ever morning and just start running, I don't think I ever stopped (or blogged). Laying around after my surgery helped my think of all the things I want to do, but don't.
Does anyone know how to slow life down? I look at my life and I feel everything I do is important and has a purpose! And I like to be busy and do lots of stuff. I enjoy almost everything, and I have a million hobbies!
I know I have a problem because all last month I just kept my eye on the finish line. I finished my Provident Living Class, baseball, and all my responsibilities for the co-op. I was getting ready for a little camping trip and got a little board. I almost picked up the phone and went out of my way to volunteer to do another thing for co-op. I did stop my self so maybe there is hope for me after all. But it was hard not to make the call!
I am on summer break! I don't want to over schedule my kids this summer, and I am hoping to save sometime for myself. (I have gained 12 lbs in the last 2 months.) Bev- I need that book on how to really change! I am ready for -less busy and lots of fun! Here is to a great summer, bring on the heat and the fun! BRING IT!!!!!
Summer Goals:
1. Open Wii fit and master it!
2. Start and stick to a budget!
3. Hike!
4. Hire more babysitters!
5. Buy more cereal!