Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Wii=Self Controll

We need help! (I didn't even take one picture yesterday!)
Yes, we got the BOYS a Wii for Christmas. Yesterday we opened presents from Santa. The Wii was our family gift so we opened it last. We set it up and played until we went to Steven's parents house for dinner. We came home and Richard came over and played Wii with the family. We finally made the boys stop playing at 10pm and go the bed (I just wanted to play Guitar Hero and not get kicked off the stage, how am I going to get better if I have to give the boys a turn!). This morning I got up early to workout (and then get a good 1/2 hour in on Guitar hero), but Steven was stretching so he could play Wii tennis and Golf. WE STILL HAVE NOT OPENED ONE PRESENT FROM UNDER THE CHRISTMAS TREE! THE BOYS REMEMBERED AT 10PM LAST NIGHT AND WE TOLD THEM IF WE WAITED UNTIL TODAY IT WOULD MAKE CHRISTMAS LAST ANOTHER DAY! I THINK STEVEN AND I ARE GOING TO NEED THE SELF CONTROL FOR THE Wii. (Annette can I come over and play Guitar Hero, Steven is still playing golf!)

Friday, December 21, 2007

Fashion Diva!

Just a little Christmas fun!

Why can't I snowboard in the house.?

Jaxon: "When are we going to move?"
Mom: "Never, Why"?
Jaxon: "I really want to move to a gingerbread house".

It made me laugh all day!

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Can we come over for Dinner?

After: It already looks better!
Before: Now you know why it had to go!

Yes 10 days before Christmas I thought it was time to get ride of the Kitchen. We never use it, and it was just taking up way to much space in the house!

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Getting Organized

This is my new project! I think it will help me keep every ones papers straight. Steve says no on the bows, but hey I have no girls. They are here for the Holidays! What do you think- Keep the bows or make them more masculine, and ditch the bows?

Snow Much Fun

This title is for Katrina's boyfriend Ray! We love you guys!We just had another snowy weekend! The boys love the snow and I love Matty! (thanks for all all the snow fun!) Good Times! Everyone need a Matty! When we moved into our house she was the first person to welcome us to the neighborhood! She is loves my boys, and sets such a good example for them! She is always willing to help and will play with my boys and loves to dress them! Thanks for being such a good friend! Love you!

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Is your dresser bolted to the wall?

It is such an adventure at our house! Poor Jaxon was scared to death but fine! Good think Steve knows Home Depo so well (I wonder if they have special dresser bolts)! He was looking for money in the top drawer to buy a turtle! The the dresser fell over. I think my boys must have flexible bones because they never really get hurt (and they have had lots of close calls!) How long tell summer?

Wednesday, December 5, 2007


I've been tagged
TAG1. Wrapping paper or gift bags? wrapping paper-it's all about the ribbon!
2. Tree--Real or Artificial? Fake (and pre-lit)
3. When do you put Christmas tree up? Steve puts up the tree and decorates it the day after Thanksgiving (he is amazing!)
4. When do you take the tree down? The day after Christmas
5. Like egg nog? Ok-thanks to my brother-in-law Ryan I am an egg nog snob! (I only like the good stuff!)
6. Do you have a nativity scene? Yes,-the Fisher Price Nativity is a MUST HAVE! And the olivewood from Isreal (thanks mom)
7. Favorite gift received as a child? My big wheel.
8. Hardest person to buy for? My brother alan.
9. Easiest person to buy for? My kids! I want to buy them everything!
10. Worst Christmas gift? The year my Grandmama didn't give us the $50 and only gave us vitamins
11. Mail or email a Christmas Card? Mail. This year I sold out and am not doing hand made (next year I'll be back!)
12. Favorite Christmas movie? Definitely ELF!
13. When do you start shopping for Christmas? The day after Christmas the year before.
14. Have you ever recycled a Christmas present? Yeah... I have recycled christmas presents for the 12 days of christmas.
15. Favorite food to eat on Christmas? Carmel Apple (it's a great treat anytime of the year)
16. Clear or colored tree lights? Clear.
17. Favorite Christmas Song? Silent Night
18. Travel during Christmas or Stay home? Home (as long as I don't go back to Delta)
19. Can you name Santa's reindeers? I probably couldn’t have if I didn’t just read them from Kristins answer: Dasher, and Dancer, and Prancer, and Vixen, Comet and Cupid and Doner and Blitzer, but do you recall the most famous reindeer of all, Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer!!!!!
20. Angel or Star on Tree top? nothing are tree is to tall for the house so the top just bends over on the ceiling.
21. Open presents on Christmas Eve or morning? The boys open a game and PJ's on Christmas Eve (maybe this year I'll get Steve some special PJ's to open Christmas Eve-just kidding)and the rest Christmas morning.
22. Most annoying thing about this time of year? Fighting the crowds at all the stores (have you been to wal-mart this week? They need a shuttle so you can park across the street)

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

I Love Shoes!!

I love these shoes! Thank you Kristin for all the ebay advise. And sorry Mayor for making Alexia shoe shop on ebay with me.

O.K. -for those of you with girls. I am sure you have seen much cutier shoes at Target. But for those of us with boys, finding cute clothes is much more of a challenge. I am not one of those mom's that when you see me at the store you think -look at those well dressed children. Someone said to me yesterday at REI "Watching you with your children reminds me of trying to keep puppies in a box." I am still not quite sure how to take that.) By noon we are usually on the third out fit, and I am no longer concerned about weather the boys match or not. Shoes are the one thing my boys don't usually get dirty. And one of the funnest parts of dressing boys!

Monday, December 3, 2007

Free Hair Cuts!

Yes, this is what it looked like this morning when I got out of the shower. Jaxon "Harry Potter" is having a great time giving Jarom a Hair cut. And Yes, Jarom thinks it is great that his big brother is giving him so much attention!

This is the damage. All those baby curls are really gone now! Yes, I called Steve on the phone crying. And Yes, now I think it is really funny! I think Jaxon might be following in his cousin Justine's foot steps! Maybe I'll let him cut my hair next! I wonder if I'll cry when he's in high school and I come home and he has dyed every ones hair purple?

Saturday, December 1, 2007


Welcome to Thanksgiving weekend at our home!

Steve gets up Early and works on the house:
The Turkey Bowl with our cousins (thanks Paula):

Turkey Dinner with Costumes (thanks Heidi):

Family Pictures (O.K. this picture is 2 years old and I was pregnant and NO I am not pregnant this year):

Enjoying the lights at Temple Square (and freezing):

Making Gingerbread Houses (thanks Barbra and Susan):

Crying during the Utah and BYU game:

Steve staying up late to work on the house (thanks Steve):