Monday, September 1, 2008

Lagoon (it's a love hate thing!)

I have been stuck in a stupor of blog! I think I have hit a all time boring in my life! I guess laundry and remolding aren't great hobbies......Yes for those of you who have known me for a long time, it is had to believe that it is possible for my life to get any more boring than normal but it is true!
OK .... for those of you with children in the neighborhood school. If your kids walk or take the bus-how often to you go to your child's school. It seems very easy to just NOT get involved. I am not signed up to go to the school until the Halloween Party (very different than the last school). I was thinking about volunteering with reading once they split into groups. I am just wondering if this is it? Or....... am I missing out on great reasons to drop by the school.

And Lagoon! My kids love it and I think it is way to hot! Any ideas on how to have more fun in kiddy land? (Baby J loved BULGY the whale, just kill me now!)


Kristin said...
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Kristin said...

yeah - what's with the black top at Lagoon - doesn't that make it 400 degrees hotter than it already is outside. I haven't been in a while. AS for the Twilight movie - definitely a GNO - but I agree, I don't think it'll do it for me either. That Edward actor is icky. Read the partial Midnight Sun for sure!!!!!

Amy said...

Your life is not boring! I would love to see a blog about your remodel! Let's see pics of the kitchen and dining room! As for Lagoon, I am with you on that one. It's always too hot with a dose of WT on the side!

Kate said...

Welcome to my life! Do you more to do at school??? I will let you know... I have connections and people that need help... or enjoy it while it lasts!

The Peach.... said...

Well, I usually try downing a few quarts of liquor before hitting Lagoon, that makes Beluga so much more fun (I'M TOTALLY KIDDING!)

You are a good mommy, I ONLY go on Stake Lagoon Day, I tell my kids that's the only day they let little kids into the park......

kellyguymon said...

Hey stranger, it's about time you blogged again - I have been missing it. Once again, I got sucked into the Eastwood volunteer machine. Pity you can't see me out there every morning doing parking lot duty. Julie and I miss you though. Let's do a girls night out. the new "Richard Gere" movie looks good.
Love Kel

Ann said...


Hi Maren, I just got on your blog and very quickly had to turn down the volume a tad on my computer because "Dancin in the Moonlight" came on. I do love that song...but I have to make a very serious :) comment here. It is NOT by Switchfoot like it says on your little music thing.

You see...I would know. Because I am a VERY serious Switchfoot fan. And it goes WAY back. I've run a mile in clogs in downtown Washington DC to see them (in the rain, driving a moving van, going by you can see my dedication). I have attended 2 other concerts and have even received an email from Jon Forman himself! I could go on and on about the days when I was a SF pycho....but I'll spare you.

I do like that song that you have by Toploader...and the confusion may come from the fact that 3 SF songs and 2 Toploader songs are on the Walk to Remember CD. (I bet you have no idea that my brain was filled with such trivia....but it is SF trivia afterall.)

Ok's good to see you back on the blog :)

Salisbury Family said...

I love the comments about Lagoon! We are taking our kids for the FIRST time this weekend... Yes, I know, they are VERY deprived.

I know that it was not a freudian slip, when you wrote that you were remolding your kitchen..but oh, it really made me giggle! as for the volunteering at school, cutting box tops out of the sale stuff this week at Albertsons, totally counts...right!