Sunday, July 13, 2008

Boat Surfing

I finally went water skiing after at least five years for not even one little drag behind a boat. It is seriously a blast!!! I think I am coming down with boating fever! Some friends of ours have a very nice boat that creates a wake you can surf on behind the boat. I had so much fun trying to surf with trying being the correct word. Some of my favorite memories growing up are from "the lake". Great times with my family, friends, and the Scott's. I do hope in a few year we finish our house and take our own kids out on the lake! Right now we are so grateful to have friends that share, thanks!

P.S. I am back on weight watcher so consider this a before picture! I am going to go work out right now!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

The Same Car!

I finally did it! I know many of you are relieved! I bought a newer car! We have been looking for about two years. I found a great deal, and the air went out in the old van. I new the time had come, after swim lesson I took all my kid and went and bought a car. Since I got such a great deal, I think Steve is getting happier about it. I started laughing so hard when Steve looked at the car and said, "You just bought the same car we have". I really did! I loved my car! It's like sweat pants- comfortable and cheep! I do have to admit it feel great not driving a beater! I did order a new turtle sticker, I guess I want to make sure it is my same car!