Thursday, March 27, 2008

Got Milk?

Good thing I am going to the Cannery in the morning! I am almost out of powdered milk! Can you ever have enough cereal? PLEASE get me a couple of boxes when you go to Costco. Need more cereal!


joslyn said...

holy crap is that really all yours. did you hit the mother load sale?

joslyn said...

thanks, i'm there

Kristin said...

I know where I'm comin' when my almost non-exising food storage supply runs out!

Kate said...

Wow! I now know where I will be when we need cereal... today was fun!

Ann said...

Do you go through a box of cereal a day? If not will when all those boys get to be teenagers. I only have 2 and they EASILY go through a box a day.

BTW, I've emailed you twice over the past 2 weeks and obviously you didn't get it (or...are you ignoring me?)

I lost your blog address but found it through viral blog reading (my daughter ->Katie -> you)
Talk to you soon.


PS. fix my link on your blogroll


Salisbury Family said...

decisions, I scrapbook in this room, or maybe just fill it up with cereal....

Maren you are awesome!!! (and a little extreme) Hope today is a good day.
